The OS loader and drivers should not depend on these types of protocols because they are not guaranteed to be present in every EFI-compliant system.
OS loader(作業系統載入器)與驅動程式(EFI Driver)不應該依存protocols的型別,因為它並不保證會出現在每一種兼容EFI的系統上。
OS loaders and drivers should depend only on protocols that are defined in the EFI 1.10 Specification and protocols that are required by platform design guides such as Design Implementation Guide for 64-bit Server.
OS loader(作業系統載入器)與驅動程式(EFI Driver)應該只依存有定義在EFI 1.10規範中以及像是Design Implementation Guide for 64-bit Server之類的平台設計手冊中的protocols。
The extensible nature of EFI allows the developers of each platform to design and add special protocols.
**Using these protocols, they can expand the capabilities of EFI and provide access to proprietary devices and interfaces in congruity with the rest of the EFI architecture.
Because a protocol is “named” by a GUID, no other protocols should have that same identification number.
Care must be taken when creating a new protocol to define a new GUID for it.
EFI fundamentally assumes that a specific GUID exposes a specific protocol interface.
Cutting and pasting an existing GUID or hand-modifying an existing GUID creates the opportunity for a duplicate GUID to be introduced.
A system containing a duplicate GUID inadvertently could find the new protocol and think that it is another protocol, crashing the system as a result.
For these types of bugs, finding the root cause is also very difficult.
The GUID allows for naming APIs without having to worry about namespace collision.
In systems such as PC/AT BIOS, services were added as an enumeration.
在一些像是PC/AT BIOS的系統上,系統服務的增加就如同列舉項目一樣。
For example, the venerable Int15h interface would pass the service type in AX.
Since no central repository or specification managed the evolution of Int15h services, several vendors defined similar service numbers, thus making interoperability with operating systems and pre-OS applications difficult.
Through the judicious use of GUIDs to name APIs and an association to develop the specification, EFI balances the need for API evolution with interoperability.