2009年7月30日 星期四


The OS loader and drivers should not depend on these types of protocols because they are not guaranteed to be present in every EFI-compliant system.

OS loader(作業系統載入器)與驅動程式(EFI Driver)不應該依存protocols的型別,因為它並不保證會出現在每一種兼容EFI的系統上。

OS loaders and drivers should depend only on protocols that are defined in the EFI 1.10 Specification and protocols that are required by platform design guides such as Design Implementation Guide for 64-bit Server.

OS loader(作業系統載入器)與驅動程式(EFI Driver)應該只依存有定義在EFI 1.10規範中以及像是Design Implementation Guide for 64-bit Server之類的平台設計手冊中的protocols

The extensible nature of EFI allows the developers of each platform to design and add special protocols.


**Using these protocols, they can expand the capabilities of EFI and provide access to proprietary devices and interfaces in congruity with the rest of the EFI architecture.


Because a protocol is “named” by a GUID, no other protocols should have that same identification number.


Care must be taken when creating a new protocol to define a new GUID for it.


EFI fundamentally assumes that a specific GUID exposes a specific protocol interface.


Cutting and pasting an existing GUID or hand-modifying an existing GUID creates the opportunity for a duplicate GUID to be introduced.


A system containing a duplicate GUID inadvertently could find the new protocol and think that it is another protocol, crashing the system as a result.


For these types of bugs, finding the root cause is also very difficult.


The GUID allows for naming APIs without having to worry about namespace collision.


In systems such as PC/AT BIOS, services were added as an enumeration.

在一些像是PC/AT BIOS的系統上,系統服務的增加就如同列舉項目一樣。

For example, the venerable Int15h interface would pass the service type in AX.


Since no central repository or specification managed the evolution of Int15h services, several vendors defined similar service numbers, thus making interoperability with operating systems and pre-OS applications difficult.


Through the judicious use of GUIDs to name APIs and an association to develop the specification, EFI balances the need for API evolution with interoperability.


2009年7月29日 星期三


Not all protocols are defined in the EFI 1.10 Specification.

並非所有的protocols(通訊協定)都定義在EFI 1.10規範中。

The EFI Developer Kit (EDK) includes many protocols that are not part of the EFI 1.10 Specification.

EDK中就包含了許多不屬於EFI 1.10規範的protocols(通訊協定)

These protocols provide the wider range of functionality that might be needed in any particular implementation, but they are not defined in the EFI 1.10 Specification because they do not present an external interface that is required to support booting an OS or writing an EFI driver.

這些protocols(通訊協定)提供了廣泛的功能,可能被用在一些特殊的實做中,但是這些protocols(通訊協定)並沒有被定義在EFI 1.10規範中,因為他們沒有提供支援開機到OS或撰寫驅動程式(EFI Driver)所需的外部介面。

The creation of new protocols is how EFI-based systems can be extended over time as new devices, buses, and technologies are introduced.


For example, some protocols that are in the EDK but not in the EFI 1.10 Specification are:

例如,一些存於EDK但是不屬於EFI 1.10規範的protocols(通訊協定)

Varstore interface to abstract storage of EFI persistent binary objects.

變數儲存器 - EFI持續二進位物件的抽象儲存體介面。

ConIn service to provide a character console input.

控制台輸入 - 系統服務所提供的控制台輸入字元的功能。

ConOut service to provide a character console output.

控制台輸出 - 系統服務所提供的控制台輸出字元的功能。

StdErr service to provide a character console output for error messaging.

標準錯誤 - 系統服務所提供的控制台輸出錯誤訊息字元的功能。

PrimaryConIn the console input with primary view.

主要控制台輸入 - 控制台輸入與主要視點。

VgaMiniPort a service that provides Video Graphics Array output.

VGA小型輸出埠 - 系統服務所提供的VGA輸出。

UsbAtapi a service to abstract block access on USB bus.

UsbAtapi - 系統服務所提供的USB抽象區塊傳輸。

The EFI Application Toolkit also contains a number of EFI protocols that may be found on some platforms, such as,:

PPP Deamon Point-to-Point Protocol driver.

PPP Deamon - 點對點通訊驅動程式

Ramdisk file system instance on a Random Access Memory buffer.

Ramdisk - RAM中的檔案系統。

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol.


Figure 2.3 shows a single handle and protocol from the handle database that is produced by an EFI driver.

2.3 所顯示的是在handle database(系統資源資料庫)中的一個由驅動程式(EFI Driver)所產生的handleprotocol

The protocol is composed of a GUID and a protocol interface structure.


Many times, the EFI driver that produces a protocol interface maintains additional private data fields.

許多時候,產生protocol(通訊)介面的驅動程式(EFI Driver)會負責維護額外的私有資料欄位。

The protocol interface structure itself simply contains pointers to the protocol function.


The protocol functions are actually contained within the EFI driver.


An EFI driver might produce one protocol or many protocols depending on the driver’s complexity.

驅動程式(EFI Driver)可能會產生一個或一個以上的protocols(通訊協定),這取決於驅動程式(EFI Driver)的複雜度。


1. Handle之下可以掛載多個Protocol

2. 每一個Protocol是用GUID做識別。

3. 每一個Protocol是由函式指標與私有變數所組成的,可視為用C語言實做C++的類別,Protocol就是虛擬函式表。

4. Protocol中的函式指標所指的就是在EFI Driver中實做的各種函式。

2009年7月26日 星期日





The extensible nature of EFI is built, to a large degree, around protocols.

EFI drivers are sometimes confused with EFI protocols.

驅動程式(EFI drivers)常常會跟通訊協定(EFI protocols)混淆。

Although they are closely related, they are distinctly different.


An EFI driver is an executable EFI image that installs a variety of protocols of various handles to accomplish its job.

驅動程式(EFI drivers)是一種可執行的映像檔(EFI image),它安裝了不同handles中不同的通訊協定(protocols),來完成他們的工作。

An EFI protocol is a block of function pointers and data structures or APIs that have been defined by a specification.

通訊協定(EFI protocol)可視為函式指標與資料結構組成的資料區塊,或是由EFI規範所定義的APIs

At a minimum, the specification must define a GUID.


This number is the protocol’s real name; boot services like LocateProtocol uses this number to find his protocol in the handle database.

這個數值就是通訊協定(protocol)的真實名稱;開機時期系統服務(boot services)像是LocateProtocol()函式就是使用此數值去搜尋在(handle database)中的通訊協定(protocol)

The protocol often includes a set of procedures and/or data structures, called the protocol interface structure.

通訊協定(protocol)通常會包含程式集與資料結構,而被稱為通訊介面結構(protocol interface structure)

The following code sequence is an example of a protocol definition from section 9.6 of the EFI 1.10 Specification.

下列的程式碼是擷取自EFI 1.10規範書中第9.6章節中定義通訊協定(protocol)的範例。

Notice how it defines two function definitions and one data field.


2009年7月25日 星期六


Figure 2.2 shows the different types of handles that can be present in the handle database and the relationships between the various handle types.

2.2所顯示的是存在於(handle database)中不同類型的handles與它們之間的關聯性。

All handles reside in the same handle database and the types of protocols that are associated with each handle differentiate the handle type.

所有的handles存在於相同的(handle database)中,而protocols的類型是取決於每個handle中不同的handle類型。

Like file system handles in an operating system context, the handles are unique for the session, but the values can be arbitrary.


Also, like the handle returned from an fopen function in a C library, the value does not necessarily serve a useful purpose in a different process or during a subsequent restart in the same process.


The handle is just a transitory value to manage state.


2009年7月24日 星期五


Handle Database(系統資源資料庫)

The handle database is composed of objects called handles and protocols.

handle database(系統資源資料庫)是由handles(資源控制)protocols(通訊協定)呼叫的物件所組成。

Handles are a collection of one or more protocols, and protocols are data structures that are named by a GUID.


The data structure for a protocol may be empty, may contain data fields, may contain services, or may contain both services and data fields.


During EFI initialization, the system firmware, EFI drivers, and EFI applications create handles and attach one or more protocols to the handles.

EFI初始化的過程中,系統韌體、驅動程式(EFI drivers)與應用程式(EFI applications)會建立handles(資源表),並將一個以上的protocols(通訊協定)加入此handles(資源表)中。

Information in the handle database is global and can be accessed by any executable EFI image.

handle database(系統資源資料庫)中的資訊是公開的,而且任何可執行的EFI映像檔(EFI image)都可以存取。

The handle database is the central repository for the objects that are maintained by EFI-based firmware.

handle database(系統資源資料庫)是一種EFI基礎韌體所維護的物件儲存中心

The handle database is a list of EFI handles, and each EFI handle is identified by a unique handle number that is maintained by the system firmware.

handle database(系統資源資料庫)也可視為EFI handles(資源控制)的列表,每一個handles(資源控制)是利用系統韌體所維護的handle number(系統資源標號)作為標示號,以避免重複。

A handle number provides a database “key” to an entry in the handle database.

Handle number(系統資源標號)提供資料庫的鍵值給在handle database(系統資源資料庫)的進入點函式。

Each entry in the handle database is a collection of one or more protocols.

每一個handle database(系統資源資料庫)的進入點函式都是由一個()以上的protocols(通訊協定)所組成的。

The types of protocols, named by a GUID, that are attached to an EFI handle determine the handle type.

GUID做命名的protocols(通訊協定)的類別,是取決EFI handles(資源表)所決定的handle type

An EFI handle may represent components such as the following:

EFI handles(資源表)所象徵的組件如下:

■ Executable images such as EFI drivers and EFI applications


■ Devices such as network controllers and hard drive partitions


■ EFI services such as EFI Decompression and the EBC Virtual Machine

EFI系統服務,如:EFI解壓縮程式(EFI Decompression)EBC虛擬機(EBC Virtual Machine)

Figure 2.1 below shows a portion of the handle database.

2.1所示為handle database(系統資源資料庫)的一部分。

In addition to the handles and protocols, a list of objects is associated with each protocol.


This list is used to track which agents are consuming which protocols.


This information is critical to the operation of EFI drivers, because this information is what allows EFI drivers to be safely loaded, started, stopped, and unloaded without any resource conflicts.

此資訊是驅動程式(EFI drivers)的關鍵,因為這樣可以允許驅動程式(EFI drivers)安全的載入、開始、停止與卸載而不會造成系統資源的衝突