2009年7月23日 星期四


EFI System Table(EFI系統表)

The EFI System Table is the most important data structure in EFI.

EFI系統表(EFI System Table)EFI系統中最重要的資料結構

A pointer to the EFI System Table is passed into each driver and application as part of its entry-point handoff.

一個指向EFI系統表(EFI System Table)的指標,會作為進入點函式的參數的一部分傳遞給每一個驅動程式(EFI drivers)與應用程式(EFI applications)

From this one data structure, an EFI executable image can gain access to system configuration information and a rich collection of EFI services that includes the following:

從這一個資料結構來看,一個EFI可執行映像檔(EFI executable image)可以存取系統組態資訊與大量的EFI系統服務,包含如下:

■ EFI Boot Services(EFI系統開機時期系統服務)

■ EFI Runtime Services(EFI系統運行時期系統服務)

■ Protocol services(通訊協定系統服務)

The EFI Boot Services and EFI Runtime Services are accessed through the EFI Boot Services Table and the EFI Runtime Services Table, respectively.

EFI Boot Services(EFI開機時期系統服務)EFI Runtime Services(EFI運行時期系統服務)分別是透過EFI Boot Services Table(EFI開機時期系統服務資源表)EFI Runtime Services Table(EFI運行時期系統服務資源表)存取。

Both of these tables are data fields in the EFI System Table.

這兩種資源表是EFI System Table(EFI系統資源表)中的一種資料欄位。

The number and type of services that each table makes available is fixed for each revision of the EFI specification.


The EFI Boot Services and EFI Runtime Services are defined in the EFI 1.10 Specification.

EFI Boot Services(EFI開機時期系統服務)EFI Runtime Services(EFI運行時期系統服務)是定義在EFI 1.10規範中。

Chapter 4 of the EFI 1.10 Specification describes the common uses that EFI drivers make of these services.

EFI 1.10規範書中的第4敘述的運用系統服務驅動程式(EFI drivers)的一般用途

Protocol services are groups of related functions and data fields that are named by a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), a 16-bit, statistically-unique entity defined in Appendix A of the EFI 1.10 Specification.

Protocol services(通訊協定系統服務)是相關函式與資料欄位的群集,它是用GUID來命名的16位元長度的數值,理論上不會重複。實際定義在EFI 1.10規範書的附錄A

Typically, protocol services are used to provide software abstractions for devices such as consoles, disks, and networks, but they can be used to extend the number of generic services that are available in the platform.

一般而言,Protocol services(通訊協定系統服務)是被用來提供裝置的軟體抽象體,例如:consolesdisksnetworks,此外它可以擴充一個平台既有的系統服務項目。

Protocols are the mechanism for extending the functionality of EFI firmware over time.


The EFI 1.10 Specification defines over 30 different protocols, and various implementations of EFI firmware and EFI drivers may produce additional protocols to extend the functionality of a platform.

EFI 1.10規範定義了由EFI firmware(EFI韌體)定義了超過30種不同的Protocol(通訊協定)各種EFI韌體(EFI firmware)與驅動程式(EFI drivers),可產生額外的Protocol(通訊協定)以擴充系統平台的功能。
